TVK director resigns, apparently in response to gov’t criticism

Kem Gunawadh, the long-serving director-general of TVK who helped set up the state broadcaster in 1983, resigned abruptly on Saturday in what his successor said was a reaction to government criticism over his decision not to broadcast live that morning’s annual Royal Plowing Ceremony. The resignation came just two days after TVK ran a 15-minute CNRP campaign slot ahead of Sunday’s council elections that showed brutal footage of bloody government suppression of protests in recent months—a rare sight on the government-run station. Information Minister Khieu Kanharith confirmed that Mr. Gunawadh had resigned but declined to specify the reason. He denied that the long-time public servant’s departure was related to the protest footage, which had already been pre-approved and edited for airing by the National Election Committee. … TVK’s deputy director-general Pang Nath confirmed Sunday that he has replaced Mr. Gunawadh as acting director-general after serving alongside him for almost 30 years. Mr. Nath insisted the resignation was purely in response to criticism of the decision not to broadcast live the plowing ceremony on Saturday or inform the public it would not be screened. …

Phann Ana and Simon Henderson